The last partner meeting of 2019 was held on Thursday 21st of November, 2019 at Lempäälä hosted by our partner company Kiilto Oy at Lempäälä, Finland. Once again, we were honored to hear the contributions of experts in the field, network and share experiences and knowledge between partner companies.
10:00 Opening of the meeting and introductions, Petri Heljo (Kiilto Oy) and Jari Erkkilä (IAQe)
10:10 Kiilto Oy company presentation, Miikka Haapa-Aho (Kiilto Oy)
10:25 Status of IAQe, Jari Erkkilä (IAQe)
10:40 Air Quality, Topi Rönkkö (Tampere University)
11:10 Science, emotions and indoor air, Petri Heljo (Kiilto Oy)
11.30 Growth Engine ecosystems, cooperation and IAQe, Sampo Tukiainen (Business Finland)
11:40 IAQe 2020, Jari Erkkilä (IAQe)
12:00 Lunch
The meeting was held on Finnish.
